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Why Our Grandparents Should Add Cannabis To Their Health Routine

Why Our Grandparents Should Add Cannabis To Their Health Routine.

As our grandparents get older, we notice some changes in their bodies. Having more frequent joint pain, degrading muscles, and watching them lose their appetite, can be a difficult pill to swallow for many of us who love and care for our grandparents.

There’s no one way to completely avoid aging and all the effects that come with it. There are, however, some things that can help us manage aging and the symptoms that come with it. One of these is none other than the ever-reliable CBD oil.

CBD's safety for elderly people

A non-psychoactive substance obtained from the cannabis plant is cannabidiol. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is not included in this, so neither you nor your senior loved one might get high from it. Additionally, this does not lead to user overdoses and is typically safe to eat, even at higher quality levels. This means that CBD oil is secure enough for seniors to utilize and include into their daily routines. However, before consuming cannabidiol, those who are taking a variety of drugs should first speak with their doctor. This is done to avoid any potential interactions between the cannabis and any prescription medications the user may be taking at the time and to make sure they are fit and healthy enough to utilize it.

For safer usage, users should take great care to exclusively use high-quality CBD products from reliable brands and suppliers. The same holds true for discovering what works with their metabolism: start with a low dosage and work your way up. The Benefits of CBD Oil for Seniors • Effective for Treating Chronic Pain and Inflammation Undoubtedly, pain is one of the biggest problems that older persons encounter in their daily lives. Our elders experience joint discomfort and inflammation more frequently as they age, with some also struggling with chronic pain.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, cannabidiol can considerably decrease pain and inflammation in users. Seniors can improve their quality of life by adding CBD products. Cannabidiol may even help many people who use opiate painkillers and prescription medications switch from medications that merely encourage addiction and have unfavorable side effects. • Enhance Appetite Another issue we typically see in older adults is appetite loss. This might be harmful to their health if they are experiencing them through anxiety, discomfort, sadness, or other frequent issues.

Using CBD oil can help increase someone's appetite. It can increase their appetite, especially if it is added to food or drink or taken orally as a supplement. Including CBD in a senior's diet may eventually encourage them to eat more due to its capacity to treat symptoms like nausea, anxiety, pain, and other issues. • Reduce or Prevent the Risk of Dementia In addition to their physical aging, our grandparents' brains also tend to deteriorate with time, making them more vulnerable to dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Even though there have only been a few studies on the effects of CBD products on dementia, there is enough evidence to support the efficacy of cannabidiol in treating the condition's symptoms. This can assist in treating their agitation, motor function, sleeping difficulties, anxiety, and depression.

What Are the Health Benefits of CBD Oil for Seniors?

The use of CBD oil has a number of health advantages. Even though more research is needed, several studies suggest that CBD may eventually serve as an alternative treatment for seniors suffering from a variety of illnesses, including:

1. Arthritis

One of the main causes of disability in the UK is arthritis. Two of the most prevalent kinds of arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, may be successfully controlled with the use of CBD, according to recent findings from the Arthritis Foundation. Additional studies have revealed that CBD was beneficial for arthritis patients' pain, sleep, and anxiety. The MHRA (The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) has been requested by the arthritis foundation to regulate the use of CBD products like tinctures and topicals for arthritic pain despite the fact that few clinical trials have been completed.

2. Chronic Pain

Additionally, CBD can be utilized to alleviate discomfort. Its anti-inflammatory effects aid in easing arthritis-related joint discomfort (1). CBD is a dependable choice for many due to its antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective characteristics. Lupus, nausea, post-traumatic stress disorder, fibromyalgia, cancer pain, and even neuropathic pain are among the health issues it can treat.

3. Anxiety Disorders

According to studies, CBD may be an alternate treatment for anxiety. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) research, CBD was effective in lowering animal stress levels.

Additionally, CBD has been suggested for those with PTSD, and it can also be used to alleviate anxiety-related sleeplessness. Additionally, CBD can benefit from the following conditions: Depression and migraines, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), nausea, Parkinson's disease, asthenia, cancer, multiple sclerosis, sleep problem, lung diseases, and epilepsy (MS).

4. Improves Sleep Quality

According to certain research, cannabis may improve sleep. CBD, which may make some individuals feel calmer, is credited with some of cannabis' possible sleep advantages. However, not everyone who uses CBD will experience relaxation; in fact, some people who use modest dosages of CBD and little to no THC may experience an increase in energy. However, some users claim that the combination of THC and the myrcene terpene has a sedative effect.

Melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle, is included in some CBD products, which may be particularly advantageous. CBD-infused sleep aids are accessible without a prescription over-the-counter, but access to a medical cannabis prescription will provide you with a whole spectrum of cannabis that can treat insomnia.

5. May Help Strengthen Bones

Both osteoporosis and osteopenia are degenerative bone diseases that mostly affect elderly women. Consuming cannabis has been associated in studies to reversing bone loss. The herb may strengthen bones while lowering the incidence of breakage, however this does not imply that cannabis is a treatment for osteoporosis or osteopenia.

Other studies have indicated that frequent, strong cannabis usage may be detrimental to bone density. Researchers have not yet found a connection between occasional or moderate cannabis usage and bone density decrease. Before taking medicinal cannabis for osteoporosis or any other ailment, speak with your doctor.

6. Stimulates Appetite

The tendency for hunger to decline as we age and become more prone to sickness is one difficult element of this. Reduced appetite can result in weight loss, a general lack of energy, immune system problems, and depression. This issue is made worse by taking many prescription medications, each of which has its own adverse effects and some of which may make the previously mentioned problems worse. Cannabis can increase appetite and aid in avoiding these problems. If a senior has cancer and is receiving chemotherapy, they could also benefit from taking dronabinol. In order to combat the nausea and loss of appetite that frequently come along with chemotherapy and other cancer treatments like radiation, doctors may recommend this synthetic THC-based medication.

When compared to THC in medicinal cannabis, which includes several additional cannabinoids and terpenes that may help mitigate the negative effects of THC via the entourage effect, some patients claim that the effects of dronabinol are too overpowering.

7. Reduces the Number of Pills & Pharmeceutical Needed

Have you ever needed to take a number of medications in the morning, once again at noon, and once more at night? Both the pill-taker and their carers may experience severe headaches from having to keep track of what has to be taken when each pill needs to be taken, and how to adjust meal times to accommodate medications. Before you know it, you're taking more prescriptions to offset the negative effects of other drugs that might not even be sufficiently addressing your original condition. Because of this, many elderly users of cannabis discover that they may cut back on the quantity of daily medicine they require.

Few individuals are aware that elderly patients who take medicines on a regular basis may have major psychological effects. The impact of taking many drugs may be disastrous for the body, especially when attempting to manage symptoms, get doses right, and manage adverse effects. When it comes to pain, muscular pains, and anxiety, cannabis can ease the load of a high prescription dose or at the very least take the edge off. Factors to Think About Before Purchasing CBD Oil To prevent making frequent mistakes, you should consider a few factors when buying CBD Oil, such as security, the vendor's transparency, and the product's quality. Here are a few critical indicators to watch out for: Reviews, warning letters, company health claims (whether they are unfounded or not), and certification status can all be used to gauge a company's reputation. Certificates of Analysis (COA): This document verifies the product's chemical profile and the absence of contaminants, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and mycotoxins. Due to the fat-soluble nature of CBD and other cannabinoids, MCT oil aids in improving CBD absorption.

In some nations, CBD oil is not considered medicine but rather a dietary supplement. This makes it more difficult to determine if it contains the precise amounts of cannabidiol because regulation may be loose.

Is CBD Oil Safe For Older People?

Elderly people's quality of life can be improved by CBD oil, but there are also some positive side effects. The following are a few dangers connected to CBD oil: • Mouth dry • Weakness and drowsiness; diarrhoea; decreased appetite; fluctuating weight

In addition to these negative effects, CBD and medication interactions are a possibility. There are certain drugs that have a "grapefruit warning." Even modest amounts of grapefruit can influence how these medications interact with the enzymes that break them down. Due to the potential for problems, CBD should not be used with certain drugs because it also affects these enzymes.

CBD should not be combined with the following medications: blood thinners; anti-infection medications; mood stabilizers; erectile dysfunction and prostate medications; medications for organ transplant rejection; medications for Crohn's disease; cholesterol-lowering drugs (Statins); high blood pressure; heart rhythm; medications for high blood pressure; medications for heart rhythm.

Key Takeaways on the Benefits of CBD Oil for the Elderly

Old age too has its own peculiarities. The elderly population has a higher prevalence of several health issues. When it comes to treating issues related to aging, CBD has shown to be a natural and secure substitute for pharmaceutical drugs.

Numerous studies, polls, and other pieces of scientific data demonstrate that CBD is effective in treating a variety of ailments that are common among older people, including pain, inflammation, arthritis, sleep difficulties, and neurological diseases.

In light of this, it's crucial to see your doctor and conduct some research before attempting any CBD oil products. How to Encourage Seniors to Take CBD Try these convincing strategies to persuade the cherished senior citizens in your life about the advantages of CBD:

Emphasize the Benefits Of CBD Oil And Medical Cannabis

Let the science do the talking. Numerous studies showing the efficacy of CBD as a potential treatment for medical illnesses like Anxiety Insomnia (a troublesome issue that frequently worsens with age Depression Chronic pain Inflammation have been published in respected scientific publications.

The senior in good health who just wants to live well might benefit from CBD products. An advantage of major relevance to older people wanting to delay the beginning of Alzheimer's Disease is that CBD may specifically aid improve brain function. Additionally, post-menopausal women who are more likely to develop osteoporosis may benefit from CBD's bone-strengthening properties. Cannabis and CBD may even aid in weight loss in senior citizens, thereby lowering diabetes risk and lengthening life expectancy.

Talk About Legality Of CBD Oil And Medical Cannabis

CBD is permitted in the UK, although cannabis flowers are illegal without a prescription. Yes, there are important exceptions to the CBD restrictions, but for the most part, CBD products are available over-the-counter in the United Kingdom and can be bought in many high street shops. Reiterate that CBD is not intoxicating, which is why it has a distinct legal position from cannabis.

Explain That It’s Not Cannabis

Many elderly people find it challenging to get past the negative lens of the War on Drugs when considering medical cannabis products. Due to misconceptions from prior indoctrination, these older men and women may erroneously believe that ingesting a therapeutic cannabis product may trigger hallucinations, a psychotic break, or another serious reaction. We now realize that these beliefs are untrue. Tell your loved ones that CBD won't make them feel "high" or have a big impact on their ideas. In fact, since it could partially counteract the euphoric effects of THC, CBD may have antipsychotic properties. The fact that neither CBD nor cannabis has ever resulted in a lethal overdose should be stressed.

Ask Them If Their Current Pharmaceutical Medication Is Helping

One of the main reasons why so many individuals turn to CBD and medical cannabis, in general, is because their existing meds either a) aren't working or b) have unpleasant side effects. A lot of individuals also prefer to take fewer prescription medications overall because taking a lot of medicines all the time may be physically and mentally taxing. Cannabinoids like CBD can contribute to a decrease in the need of various prescription drugs, especially opioid-based pain relievers. The use of sedatives (benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and antihistamines), antidepressants, anxiolytics, and arthritis drugs can all be decreased with cannabis, though (e.g. steroids). CBD and medicinal cannabis can aid patients who are suffering from addiction, brain fog, appetite loss, nausea, headaches/migraines, or any other similar adverse effects from their present medicines.

Get a Doctor’s Help

Since CBD has very little misuse or addiction potential, is generally well-tolerated, and does not have the same adverse effects as many prescription drugs, many doctors are suggesting it to their senior patients. If your loved one wants reliable information on what CBD can accomplish, suggest that they speak with their own doctor directly. Another inducement, especially for the thrifty senior, is the free samples or starter kits of CBD medicines that certain doctors could provide.

Talk About Its Popularity

A 2019 Gallup poll found that almost one in five Brits over 50 are repeat buyers of some kind of medicinal CBD product on a national level. It's simple to argue that more older citizens are seeking out regular medicinal CBD treatments. In fact, more and more Brits over 50 are utilizing CBD-related products.

Show Them Some CBD Products

The use of pain creams is common among elderly people who frequently have chronic joint and muscular pain. To recommend a more natural option to the senior in your life, introduce them to a variety of CBD topicals. Inform your loved one that CBD products are available in hydrating creams, cooling gels, and relaxing heated oils.

The Bottom Line

CBD has a lot of promise for older citizens. You can do a lot to support your grandparents in managing a variety of illnesses by including CBD oil into their diet and way of life. Make sure to speak with their doctor before using them.

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